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Are you tired of feeling trapped in a cycle of weight plateaus and disappointments despite years of following various diets and exercise programs?

Are you frustrated with traditional weight loss methods that prioritize calorie counting and intense exercise, only to leave you feeling deprived and exhausted?

Are you ready to let go of restrictive diets and grueling exercise routines that seem to yield little to no results?

If you're nodding your head ‘YES” to these questions, I have incredible news for you.

Hello! I’m Georgina, health coach and founder of GN Wellness.  I help clients achieve sustainable mind + body transformation throught my all-inclusive weight loss membership program called the Can-ji Club.

I want to help you break free from the cycle of disappointment and frustration by inviting you to participate in the 5-Day Fat Burning Kickstarter Challenge!

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Participating in this Challenge will teach you exactly how to achieve and maintain weight loss results long-term.  The actions you will be encouraged to perform are based on the B.E.T.T.E.R Habits Framework- a revolutionary approach to achieving sustainable results that serves as the foundation for the all-inclusive Can-ji Club weight loss membership program.

Imagine achieving amazing results like Laura, who lost an incredible 40lbs in just 6 months, or Liz, Keisha, Bibi, Norma, Tanisha, and many others that have also experienced significant transformations thanks to the B.E.T.T.E.R Habits Framework

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If you've been struggling to lose weight for a long time and are feeling frustrated and uncertain about what to do next, I'm glad you're here...

Over the course of my 19-year career as a health coach specializing in weight loss, I've had the privilege of working with numerous women who have encountered similar challenges on their journey to achieving their desired weight. They believed that traditional methods of dieting and exercising were the answer, only to be met with frustrating plateaus and eventual weight gain.  

Here's the great news: You can gain access to the powerful B.E.T.T.E.R Habits Framework that helped Can-ji Club Members succeed by joining the FREE 5-Day Fat Burning Kickstarter Challenge.

Registration Closes September 22,2023 or until all the spots are filled.
Don't wait. Secure your spot now. 

The mistakes that I’ve observed women making over the years include….

Many women follow restrictive diets. Many women have spent years jumping from one fad diet to another, hoping for a miracle solution that will magically melt away the pounds. They have subjected themselves to severe calorie restrictions, eliminating entire food groups, and depriving themselves of essential nutrients. Unfortunately, these extreme measures often lead to temporary weight loss followed by rebound weight gain. And, it becomes a vicious cycle of restriction and overindulgence, leaving them feeling defeated and frustrated.

Numerous women hold the mistaken belief that intense exercise is the sole path to weight loss. Women have pushed themselves to the brink with grueling workouts, believing that the more they sweat and the harder they push, the faster the pounds will disappear. However, this approach often leads to burnout, injuries, and ultimately, disappointment. Excessive exercise can place undue stress on the body, triggering a cascade of hormonal imbalances that hinder weight loss progress.

Many women have fallen victim to the notion that weight loss is solely about calories in versus calories out. They diligently track every morsel of food consumed and meticulously count their steps or minutes on the treadmill. While it's true that creating a calorie deficit can contribute to weight loss initially, this oversimplified approach often leads to regaining the weight lost because it fails to address the underlying factors that impact weight gain.

So, here's the game-changer: being overweight indicates there's too much insulin in your body. Your insulin levels are too high. If this the problem, the solution is lowering insulin levels, which is not achieved by restricting calories and engaging in intense exercise.


The B.E.T.T.E.R Habits framework is a groundbreaking system that tackles the root cause of weight gain thus focusing on decreasing insulin levels in your body and providing a roadmap for sustainable transformation.

In case you’re unsure if your insulin levels are too high, here are some common signs:

1-Weight gain especially around the abdomen. Excess insulin promotes fat storage, particularly in the abdominal region.


2-Difficulty losing weight: High insulin levels can hinder weight loss efforts, as the body is in a constant fat-storage mode. Despite following diets and exercise programs, individuals with elevated insulin may struggle to shed excess pounds.


3-Sugar cravings: High insulin levels can disrupt blood sugar balance, leading to frequent cravings for sugary foods. These cravings often result from the body's attempt to regulate blood sugar levels.


4-Fatigue and low energy: When insulin levels are consistently high, it can impair the body's ability to effectively utilize glucose for energy. This can lead to feelings of fatigue, low energy, and sluggishness throughout the day.


5-Brain fog and difficulty concentrating: Insulin plays a crucial role in brain function and cognitive processes. Elevated insulin levels can negatively impact brain health, resulting in difficulty concentrating, memory issues, and a feeling of mental fog.


6-Increased hunger and frequent eating: Excess insulin can disrupt the signaling pathways that regulate hunger and satiety. As a result, individuals with high insulin levels may experience increased hunger and a tendency to eat more frequently.


7-Insulin resistance: Prolonged high insulin levels can lead to insulin resistance, where the body's cells become less responsive to the hormone. Insulin resistance is often associated with conditions such as prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.


The B.E.T.T.E.R Habits Framework is specifically designed to address the issue of high insulin levels, which is a key factor in sustainable weight loss. Unlike traditional methods that focus solely on calorie restriction and intense exercise, the B.E.T.T.E.R Habits Framework takes a well-rounded approach by targeting the root cause of weight gain: high insulin levels in the body.  So, if you're ready to stop experiencing the signs oh high insulin levels, I invite you to join the FREE 5-Day Fat Burning Kickstarter Challenge!

Registration Closes September 22,2023 or until all the spots are filled.
Don't wait. Secure your spot now. 

The B.E.T.T.E.R. Habits framework is comprised of specific behaviors that, when performed collectively, pave the way for reaching your weight loss goals.  Let's take a closer look at each component: 


B--Behavioral Modification Mindset Training: The foundation of B.E.T.T.E.R. Habits lies in cultivating a positive health mindset and behavioral modification. Through mindset training, you'll identify and replace negative habits with positive ones to support your weight loss journey. By reshaping your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviours, you'll release feelings of guilt, shame, and frustration that stem from past failures. You'll develop self-compassion, self-love, self-acceptance, and a deep understanding of your worth, setting the stage for lasting change.


E--Eat to Lower Insulin Levels: Say goodbye to restrictive diets and calorie counting. B.E.T.T.E.R. Habits focuses on nourishing your body with wholesome, nutrient-rich foods that decrease insulin, support weight loss, and boost overall health. Learn to make mindful food choices, honour your body's needs, and enjoy a wide variety of delicious, satisfying meals.


T--Time Meals to Lower Insulin Levels: Meal timing plays a crucial role in optimizing your body's metabolism and insulin response. B.E.T.T.E.R. Habits incorporates intentional meal timing techniques to optimize insulin levels and activate your body's fat-burning mechanisms.


T--Transform Stress into Strength: Stress can sabotage even the most dedicated weight loss efforts. Therefore, stress management is an essential aspect of weight loss. B.E.T.T.E.R. Habits teaches you how to manage stress effectively through healthy coping strategies. By nurturing your mental and emotional well-being, you create a harmonious environment for successful weight loss and overall self-care.


E--Exercise for Wellness, Not Weight Loss: Shift your perspective on exercise from solely focusing on weight loss to embracing physical activity for overall wellness. B.E.T.T.E.R. Habits encourages you to find activities you genuinely enjoy, allowing exercise to become a source of pleasure and self-care.


R-- Rest and Renew: Quality sleep is a vital component of self-care and weight loss success. Achieving lasting weight loss involves nurturing your mind, body, and spirit. B.E.T.T.E.R. Habits encourages regular restful sleep to recharge your body, improve cognitive function, and support healthy weight loss results.

This is an online challenge which means you can complete it whenever and from wherever you want. You will be encouraged to perform the actions listed below when you participate in the FREE 5-Day Fat Burning Kickstarter Challenge.....

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The Challenge includes a FREE Pass to Exercise for Wellness at Surfside Wellness Centre.

By adopting the B.E.T.T.E.R Habits framework, you'll revolutionize your approach to weight loss. It's not about quick fixes or temporary solutions; it's about making sustainable lifestyle changes that support your well-being long-term.

Registration Closes September 22,2023 or until all the spots are filled.
Don't wait. Secure your spot now. 

If the B.E.T.T.E.R Habits Framework sounds good but you’re still hesitant to Join the Challenge, I understand that you may be thinking:


"I've tried so many ways to lose weight before, and none of them worked for me. This B.E.T.T.E.R Habits approach probably won't be any different."


I completely understand your frustration and the disappointment you may have experienced in the past. Still, the B.E.T.T.E.R Habits Framework takes a unique and holistic approach that focuses on addressing the underlying causes of weight gain; too much insulin. It's like trying different keys to open a locked door. Just because previous keys didn't work, it doesn't mean there isn't one key that will fit perfectly and unlock the door to your success. The B.E.T.T.E.R Habits Framework may be that perfect key that helps you achieve sustainable weight loss. Give it a chance and let's unlock your potential together.


"I'm skeptical about these 'holistic' approaches. I believe that the only way to lose weight is through strict diets and intense exercise."


It's natural to have reservations about unfamiliar approaches, especially when you've been conditioned to believe that strict diets and intense exercise are the only solutions. That said, let's think of it this way: Imagine your body as a complex ecosystem, and weight loss as restoring balance to that ecosystem. The B.E.T.T.E.R Habits Framework takes into account not only your physical health but also your mental and emotional well-being. This holistic approach aims to create sustainable, long-lasting results, allowing you to achieve your weight loss goals while embracing a healthier overall lifestyle.


"I've been struggling with my weight for so long that I've lost hope. I don't believe anything can truly help me anymore."


It's disheartening to feel like you've lost hope after enduring a long struggle. Still, it's important to remember that your past experiences don't define your future outcomes. The B.E.T.T.E.R Habits Framework is specifically designed to help individuals who have faced similar challenges and setbacks. It's like a fresh start, an opportunity to break free from the past and embrace a new approach. 


"I've been overweight my whole life. It's just my genetics, and there's nothing I can do about it."


It's understandable to attribute weight struggles to genetics, but it's essential to remember that genetics are just one piece of the puzzle. The B.E.T.T.E.R Habits Framework goes beyond your genetic predispositions and focuses on the behavioral, physiological and lifestyle factors that can positively impact your weight and overall well-being. By adopting the framework and implementing sustainable habits, you can reshape your health regardless of your genetic background.


"I've lost weight in the past, but it always comes back. I'm destined to be overweight."


Regaining lost weight is a common challenge associated with the diet & exercise approach to weight loss. Still, it doesn't mean you're destined to be overweight forever. The B.E.T.T.E.R Habits Framework addresses this by helping you address the underlying factors that contribute to weight regain. By understanding the triggers and implementing sustainable habits, you can break free from the cycle and create a healthier, long-term relationship with your body. Let's work together to rewrite your story and create lasting success.


Registration Closes September 22,2023 or until all the spots are filled.
Don't wait. Secure your spot now. 

​Plus, remember that the BETTER Habits Framework serves as the foundation for the Can-ji Club Membership, where incredible transformations have taken place. Let the remarkable results achieved by Can-ji Club members inspire you to believe in your own potential for success.

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Click here to check out more Can-ji Club results.

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Why would you miss out on this amazing opportunity? I know that trying something new is not easy, still, the truth is, if you continue using ineffective weight loss strategies, your risk for becoming obese and developing health conditions such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes and heart disease will significantly increase. 


Continuing to use ineffective weight loss strategies is like treading water in a sinking boat. You're expending energy without making any progress, trapped in a cycle of frustration and disappointment.


By embracing the B.E.T.T.E.R. Habits framework, you leave behind the sinking boat and climb aboard a life raft, propelling yourself towards sustainable weight loss and personal transformation. Don't waste any more energy on futile efforts; grab hold of the life raft and let it guide you to the shores of a healthier, happier future.


Imagine a life where you achieve your ideal weight, feel healthy, and radiate confidence. Picture yourself effortlessly wearing any outfit you want and feeling comfortable and attractive in your own skin. What could be better than that?


Take the next step.  Join the Challenge right now.

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Registration Closes September 22,2023 or until all the spots are filled.
Don't wait. Secure your spot now. 

Here's What Past Challenge Participants Had to Say.......

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Registration Closes September 22,2023 or until all the spots are filled.
Don't wait. Secure your spot now. 

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