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Corporate Wellness Services

Hey there!  At GN Wellness, we recognize the critical role that employee health plays in the success of any organization. Many companies are eager to adopt wellness programs, understanding the benefits these initiatives bring, from healthier employees to reduced healthcare costs. However, the reality is that these programs often fall under the responsibility of already overburdened HR teams. Without formal training in wellness management, HR personnel are left to cobble together programs from online resources, resulting in inconsistent offerings, low engagement, and ultimately, programs that fail to deliver meaningful results.


This is where GN Wellness steps in. We specialize in creating and managing comprehensive wellness programs tailored to meet the unique needs of your company. Our approach allows your HR team to focus on their primary responsibilities while still reaping the benefits of a well-run wellness program. With GN Wellness, you get a dedicated partner who ensures your wellness program thrives, leading to healthier employees and a healthier organization overall.


Ready to see the difference GN Wellness can make for your company? Book a free consultation today to discuss your needs and explore how we can help you achieve your wellness goals. Or complete a brief form to receive a free wellness proposal tailored to your team.

Ocean Rocks

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Our Services: Customized Wellness Programs

Implementing a long-term wellness program can have profound benefits for both employees and the organization. Such programs have been shown to significantly improve employee health by promoting regular physical activity, balanced nutrition, stress management, mental well-being, and preventive care.

Healthier employees tend to have fewer sick days, lower healthcare costs, and a reduced risk of chronic diseases. Furthermore, a well-structured wellness program can enhance productivity by increasing energy levels, improving focus, and reducing absenteeism.


In addition to the tangible health benefits, a long-term wellness program can positively impact employee morale and job satisfaction. When employees feel supported in their well-being, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work. This support fosters a positive work environment, encouraging teamwork and camaraderie. Moreover, employees who participate in wellness programs often report higher job satisfaction and a greater sense of loyalty to their employer, contributing to reduced turnover rates and a more stable workforce.

Our Wellness Programs may include:

  • Health Assessments

  • Individual & Team Challenges

  • Health Talks

  • Team Building Activities

  • Team Based Competitions 

  • Mental Resilience Training

  • Stress Management Tools & Resources

  • Healthy Nutrition Resources

  • Fitness Classes

  • Wellness Newsletters


Ready to see the difference GN Wellness can make for your company? Book a free consultation today to discuss your needs and explore how we can help you achieve your wellness goals. Or complete a brief form to receive a free wellness proposal tailored to your team.

Our Services: 3-Month Transformative Wellness Challenge

This challenge presents a unique opportunity for employees to undergo a transformative journey towards achieving their health goals. Central to this challenge is the concept that changing one's identity to align with health objectives necessitates proactive actions that embody the desired health-oriented identity.

In essence, the more actions individuals take consistently to support their envisioned identity, the more they internalize and become that identity. Contrary to popular belief, achieving your goals doesn't demand more time, discipline, motivation, or willpower. Instead, it requires aligning your identity with your goals, coupled with by a structured action plan. The challenge will offer employees the opportunity to align their identity with their goals, while the activities within the challenge will provide a structured approach to practicing self-care daily.


Given that employees typically spend the majority of their waking hours at work, engaging in a workplace wellness challenge tailored to support their desired health-oriented identity can significantly facilitate this transformation.


By participating in activities designed to reinforce healthy habits and embody their envisioned identity, employees can effectively bridge the gap between intention and action. The challenge not only provides access to the Identity Evolution Program online, offering coaching and guidance, but also offers a platform for employees to actively participate in activities conducive to their health goals.


Furthermore, the challenge serves to integrate self-care practices seamlessly into the workday, thereby removing the traditional barrier of 'work' hindering the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. By doing so, employees are empowered to strike a harmonious balance between fulfilling their professional obligations and prioritizing their health and well-being. Thus, The Transformative Workplace Wellness Challenge not only fosters personal growth but also cultivates a supportive environment conducive to sustained health and vitality.


Ready to explore how the Transformative Wellness Challenge can benefit your organization? Book a free consultation to discuss your company’s needs, or complete a brief form to receive a free challenge proposal tailored to your team.

What Challenge Participants Say...

Our Services: 4-Week Self-Care @ Work Challenge

Introducing the 4-Week Self-Care at Work Wellness Challenge! Before I share the details, I have a few questions for you.


  • Have you noticed that employees struggle to consistently incorporate self-care practices while juggling full-time work and personal commitments?


  • Does the challenge of balancing work responsibilities with personal life leave your team drained, potentially leading to increased stress and diminished productivity?


If you’re nodding yes, you’re not alone. Many organizations face these challenges, and the Self-Care at Work Challenge could be the solution you need.


When employees struggle with self-care, their performance can suffer, leading to heightened work-related stress. This unmanaged stress can trigger unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as emotional eating or poor sleep patterns, which in turn impact productivity and job satisfaction. Over time, this cycle can lead to more serious health issues, burnout, and increased sick leave—all of which negatively affect both the employee and the organization.


Instead of hoping employees find time for self-care outside of work, a more viable solution is to integrate self-care into the workplace. To this end, I’d like to invite your company to participate in the 4-Week Self-Care @ Work Challenge.


This program is designed to bring wellness directly into the daily routines of your employees, offering practical, easy-to-follow activities and resources that promote health and well-being without adding extra stress.


The challenge activities will address various aspects of wellness, such as nutrition, stress management, mental well-being and physical activity. Moreover, the activities are designed to be seamlessly integrated into the workday without interfering with primary job responsibilities.

Employees will receive weekly guidance on how to incorporate self-care practices into their daily routines, along with all the resources they need. They can track their progress through a virtual scorecard, accessible from any device, ensuring participation is convenient and engaging.

What makes this challenge even more effective? It’s designed to foster teamwork, boost morale, and encourage friendly competition through a points system. Participants may earn rewards and prizes for their engagement, with additional incentives for team participation.


The implementation and management of the challenge will be handled entirely by our team, so it will not add to the already full plate of your HR team members. We will provide continuous guidance and troubleshooting to ensure a smooth experience.


Ready to explore how the Self-Care at Work Wellness Challenge can benefit your organization? Book a free consultation to discuss your company’s needs, or complete a brief form to receive a free challenge proposal tailored to your team.

Ocean Rocks

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Our Services: Customized Health Talks

At GN Wellness, we believe that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to health and well-being. Our Customized Health Talks are designed to empower your employees with the information they need to make informed decisions about their health, leading to a happier, healthier, and more productive workplace.


Our health talks are tailored to meet the unique needs of your organization and can cover a wide range of topics. Whether you’re looking to address specific health concerns within your workforce or promote overall wellness, our sessions provide practical tips and actionable strategies that employees can immediately incorporate into their daily lives.


Each talk is not just informative but also interactive, providing opportunities for employees to ask questions and engage in discussions that make the content relevant to their personal experiences. We believe that when employees understand the ‘why’ behind healthy habits, they are more motivated to make positive changes in their lives.


Interested in bringing Customized Health Talks to your organization? Book a free consultation today to discuss your specific needs and how we can tailor our talks to benefit your team. Alternatively, complete a brief form to receive a free quote and learn more about how our health talks can support your company’s wellness goals.

Book a Free Health Talk

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At GN Wellness, we understand the challenges companies face when aiming to implement wellness initiatives to improve the health & well-being of their employees. That's why we're offering you an opportunity to book a FREE Health Talk titled "Take Action to Achieve Optimal Health" for your team.


The objective of this health talk is to provide employees with practical strategies to improve their health by taking consistent action. Consistency is key to building lasting habits that lead to sustained improvements in overall well-being.


The presentation will also outline how to overcome common barriers to living a healthy lifestyle, such as lack of time, discipline, willpower, and motivation.


The talk will be conducted virtually and will last for 40 minutes.


Booking a free health talk is a simple process that can positively impact your team’s overall health, productivity, and morale. Schedule a date and time that works best for you during the available dates.


Attendees of the FREE Health Talk will receive:​​


1) One Free Pass to Surfside Wellness Centre

  • Recipients may use the pass to access the Surfside facility, its cardio and strength training equipment and the group exercise classes.​


2) One Free Office Stretch Guide

  • The Guide offers easy-to-follow exercises and stretches that can be performed right at the desk. These exercises are simple yet effective in increasing energy levels, boosting productivity, and improving overall health.

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What People Say about the FREE Virtual Health Talk ....

Lekia Broome, Accra Beach Hotel

The Health talk was informative and thought provoking. The presenter was knowledgeable and engaging.

Janiel Yearwood, Cidel Bank & Trust Inc.

The Health talk was motivational! The concepts and information were presented  in a clear and understandable manner.

Heather Sobers, Sol Caribbean Ltd.

The Health Talk was an informative and thought-provoking session which motivated me to have a desire to align myself more with a healthier lifestyle.

​Maria Searles, DHL

The health talk makes you want to take care of your health on a more serious note.  Stop making excuses and make it happen because we only have one life, so live it healthy and right.

Folayan Taitt, CXC

Innovative ideas to make a difference in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Sparkleann James, Fair Trading Commission

Mind shifting conversation that can impact your life once it is applied.

​Susan Watson, Sagicor General Insurance

Very motivational and inspiring to set goals and keep at them.

Leah Gamble, Bridgetown Duty Free

It was very informative and gave many practical suggestions.

Belinda Wood, Fair Trading Commission

Informative and life changing.

Veronica Alleyne, CXC

The health talk was an informative session. A new approach (to me) towards meeting one's fitness/nutrition and overall health goal was presented.

About Me

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BA Kinesiology & Health Science

Corporate Wellness Consultant

Certified Health Coach

Founder, GN Wellness

I’m Georgina Naigaga, Founder of GN Wellness and Corporate Wellness Consultant. My passion for health and wellness began in 2004 after earning a degree in Kinesiology & Health Science from York University in Toronto, Canada. Since then, I’ve dedicated my career to helping people live healthier, more balanced lives.


Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of working with diverse populations, holding various positions ranging from personal trainer and nutrition coach to fitness manager and health coach.


Notably, I have gained extensive experience in the field of corporate wellness, working as a consultant for major corporations in Canada such as IBM, Bank of Montreal, and Sanofi. Additionally, my tenure as the Corporate Program Director at Surfside Wellness Centre in Barbados for over a decade allowed me to collaborate with companies across Barbados, designing, managing, and implementing successful workplace wellness programs and initiatives.


What drives me is the belief that a healthier employee is a happier, more productive employee. I understand the challenges HR professionals face when trying to implement wellness programs—heavy workloads, low participation rates, and inconsistent offerings—but I also know that these obstacles can be overcome with the right approach. That’s why we offer GN Wellness Corporate Services: to provide HR teams with the time, expertise, and tailored solutions they need to create impactful, sustainable wellness programs.


When you partner with GN Wellness, you’re not just investing in a program—you’re committing to a healthier, more vibrant workplace where both employees and the company thrive. Together, we can improve the lives of Barbadians, one wellness program at a time.

Georgina Naigaga 

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